Meditation and its Process
Meditation:- Meditation is a specific technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. In meditation, you are fully awake and alert, but your mind is not focused on the eternal world or the events taking place around you. Neither is your mind asleep, dreaming, or fantasizing. Instead, it is clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused. Meditation is different, subtle, and precise approach. It is the simple technique of learning how to pay attention to and understand the various levels of yourself-the body, the breath and the mind. In this process you get mentally, emotionally and physically ready for your guest. With all this advance work, you are setting the scene for a wonderful dinner experience. Meditation should be treated with the same respect as an important event, it is as if you are inviting your Higher Self over for dinner. You need to have the same le...