Meditation and its Process


Meditation is a specific technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. In meditation, you are fully awake and alert, but your mind is not focused on the eternal world or the events taking place around you. 
Neither is your mind asleep, dreaming, or fantasizing. Instead, it is clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused. Meditation is different, subtle, and precise approach. 
It is the simple technique of learning how to pay attention to and understand the various levels of yourself-the body, the breath and the mind. 

In this process you get mentally, emotionally and physically ready for your guest. 

With all this advance work, you are setting the scene for a wonderful dinner experience. 

Meditation should be treated with the same respect as an important event, it is as if you are inviting your Higher Self over for dinner. 

You need to have the same level of regard and preparation for this event. 
If you prepare for your meditations the same way you prepare for the important events in your external life, you would do extremely well in your meditation. Meditation is therapeutic from the beginning. It helps relax muscular tension and the automatic nervous systems, and provides freedom from mental stress. A person of meditation attains a tranquil mind, and this help the immune systems by limiting its reaction to stress and strain. Meditation also has an important influence on health. In the modern world, most diseases can be classified to some degree as psychosomatic, having their origin in or being in fluenced by thoughts and emotions. 

Process of meditation:- 

In the process of meditation, we ask the mind to let go of its tendencies to think, analyze, remember, solve problems, and focus on the events of the past or one our expectations about the future. 

We help the mind to slow down its rapid series of thoughts and feelings, and to replace that mental activity with inner awareness and attention. Thus, meditation is not thinking about problems or analyzing situations. In meditation, we try to let go of the many mental distractions, preoccupations, and fleeting thoughts and associations of our normal waking experience. 

We do this, not by trying to make the mind empty, which is impossible anyway, but by allowing the mind to focus on one subtle element which is leads the attentions further inward.

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